
売却のご相談はKeller Williams Tokyoへ

English follows Japanese.



所有不動産の競合物件、市場調査をした上で最適な販売活動プランをご提案いたします。迅速かつ高値で売却できるよう、一般的な広告媒体のみならず、英語での広告、Keller Williams独自のネットワークを活かし、国内外へ情報を配信し、購入希望者を探します。

Keller Williamsは世界50ヵ国で展開し、1000以上の店舗におよそ17万人のエージェントが在籍しています。エージェント数、売上高、取引件数において全世界一位を誇る、世界最大の不動産仲介会社です。このネットワークを生かした販売活動がケラー・ウィリアムズ・トウキョウの強みです。社内のシステムへ登録された物件情報と顧客ニーズを共有しているため、日本国内のみならず世界中の購入見込み客への情報配信が可能となります。東京の不動産は世界の富裕層から常に一定の需要がありますので、国内のみの情報配信より早期売却の可能性が高まります。


Please contact KellerWilliamsTokyo to discuss the sale of your property. Our agents with local knowledge of the area will support a smooth transaction from appraisal to handover. Whether you are currently considering selling, want to know the current value of your property, or are currently on the market, please let us know your concerns and demands.

Free Assessment
We will present a proper appraisal price based on the latest real estate market conditions, a case of doing business in the neighborhood, etc. If you enter your property information in the appraisal form, we will contact you in the method of your choice.

Selling the Property
We will propose the best sales plan based on competitive properties and market research of your property.  In order to sell the property quickly and at a high price, we use not only general advertising media, but also advertising in English and the unique network of Keller Williams to distribute information both domestically and internationally to find potential buyers.

Global Network
Keller Williams operates in 50 countries and has over 168,000 agents in more than 1,000 market centers. We are the world’s largest real estate brokerage company, boasting the world’s largest number of agents, sales, and transactions. Sales activities that make use of this network are the strengths of Keller Williams Tokyo. Since the property information registered in the in-house system and customer needs are shared, it is possible to distribute information not only to customers in Japan but also to potential buyers around the world. Real estate in Tokyo is always in constant demand from the wealthy people in the world, and many customers are considering purchasing it not only for investment purposes but also as a second home.